
At approximately 8:02 PM Pacific time tonight, 10-22-2020, there was a huge fire ball that blazed down thru the night sky. oh green and orange all kinds of stuff I mean I’ve never seen anything like it it was it was like there were flames coming up from it! it was huge and it cameContinue reading “Fireball!”

January Fog Days

These shots are all from January 24, 2014, a sunny day but with lingering fog that returned at sunset.  There will be more from this day!

Mount Adams Near and Far

These images are taken about 30-35 miles apart, first one from a few miles away in Trout Lake, Washington, and the other from Hood River, Oregon. Perspective…. it appears more pointy from a greater distance!

Aurora Glow on Mount Adams

This is from December 7, 2013, on a bitterly cold night in Trout Lake, Washington.  It was -3 deg F and about 10 pm.  The colors did not flare up as large as some I have seen, and no pillars and such, but I was delighted with the image because of the crystal clear nightContinue reading “Aurora Glow on Mount Adams”

A Night at the Lake

Last night I headed out from home about 11:30 pm on what has become a more rare adventure. There were rumors of Aurora activity, so I headed to a favorite location. I did get a few shots of the Aurora and am including one picture taken by the phone of the camera LCD screen. ThenContinue reading “A Night at the Lake”

Aurora Borealis in Washington State

The featured image above and this next image are from June7,2013, as Northern lights danced in the midnight and early morning sky while I danced around my camera in the silence of a mountain night… which is never really silent, but alive with the songs of the stars, the movement of nocturnal birds and animals.Continue reading “Aurora Borealis in Washington State”

Cascade Creek Fire on Mount Adams

September 8, 2012 while the Highway 141 fire near White Salmon was beginning to wind down, a Lightning storm swept through the area and started at least 40 wildfires in Washington and another large amount in Oregon.  Some of the fires were put out quickly, but others like the one on the south side ofContinue reading “Cascade Creek Fire on Mount Adams”